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Welcome to the page "publications", the word says it all: here you will find various publications of photos that I was allowed to take. You can see beautiful images of various places in our beautiful Friesland, but also a publication where I was allowed to take care of the interior photography. 

Voor de lifestyle editie van het voorjaar van 2022 mocht ik deze binnenkijker schieten bij Judy en haar man en kinderen. Terwijl ik het huis binnenstapte was ik meteen onder de indruk van de geweldige kleuren, de mooie Perzische traploper en het glas-in-lood. Echt een pareltje! Deze binnenkijker mocht schitteren in de GrootSneek, GrootHeerenveen, GrootBolsward-IJsselmeerkust & GrootdeFryskeMarren.

Publicatie GrootSneek Voorjaar 2022 Judy Tuinstra.JPG

For the autumn 2021 lifestyle edition of the GrootSneek and GrootBolswardIJsselmeerkust, I was allowed to take photos in a former warehouse in Leeuwarden. The apartment has been completely renovated with an eye for detail.

publicatie GrootSneek Najaar 2021 KBC.JPG

Below is an example of evening photography, I took this photo last November during a cold winter evening.

The photo was taken in Sloten (Sleat) in Friesland, this mill is also called "De Kaai" and it is located on/next to the Lemsterpoort. This photo was placed in the Groot de Fryske Marren.

Publicatie Molen Sloten.JPG
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